lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011


1 TOPIC: School grades, social life because sometimes the time is not enough, we're in the age where we are too young or too old, sentimental problems and parent's problems.
Yes I do.To my friends or my brother.
Yes, most of the time.

2 TEXT: We expect to find people who have the same troubles that we have. We also expect to find some troubles and the posible solutions to this troubles.

Image 1: The kid is scared because he see a bully aproaching.
Image 2 : The kid is being abused.
Image 3: The girl wants to go to a concert.
Image 4: The room is mess up.

Image 1: Not a football hero
Image 2: Bigger Boys.
Image 3: No free time.
Image 4: No privacy.

4 Checking understanding - Second Reading.

A: Headphones.
B: Surfing
C: Concert.

5 Looking at language

1. Letter AL: Sailor.
2 Letter AL: Except.
3 Letter BK: Share.
4 Letter BK: Mess.
5 Letter BK: Noise.
6:Letter CW: Bullies.
7Letter CW: Gang.
8Letter CW: Threaten.
9Letter DS: Muscles.
10Answer A: Inquisitive..
11Answer A: Disturbed
12Answer B: Need.
13Answer B: Appreciates.
14Answer C:Neighbour.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Today's Work

1. Venezuela: June 24
Argentina: July 9
Brasil: September 7
Bolivia: August 6
Colombia: July 20
Ecuador: August 10
Paraguay: May 14
Peru: July 28
Surinam: November 25
Uruguay: August 25

2. Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay.

3.There are 20 countries.
Costa Rica
El Salvador
República Dominicana

4.No. Brazil(Portuguese) , Haiti (French), Paraguay(guarani).

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

What do you know about Father Eladio?

What can I tell about father Eladio? Well, I know he is very important to this school because I think he founded the trinity sisters and that's very close to the school, isn't it? Well, the Father Eladio was a extremely awesome person because he was a very good person and he has done a lot of good stuff. He's like a hero and I aprecciate that a lot. The father Eladio was a father and he believed in God and he was a very good christian and He did good things like help poor people or take care of children or maybe he helped poor children, but the important thing is that He was a Saint and He was a good person that help anyone who need it, He was like superman but without superpowers and that stuff, and with that stuff I mean the flying thing, the ice breath, the lazer vision, the super velocity and others amazing things that Father Eladio didn't had but He has another things like the power if being good with the people and that's very useful. And that was my last post, I had a great time writing these things on my freetime, good night.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

What is the best part of being a teenager?

The best part of being a teenager is that we are still in school or something like that right?, because the adults have to work and that kind of stuff, we are still inmature so we can make stupid thigs with less consecuences that when you are an adult. The teenagers just have to study and do some stuff in home but that's all, no jobs, no debts, no bills and no sons!, I think this is the best part of the life because is the part when you have less responsabilities and you can remember it . But there also negative things like we're very crazy and lazy, for example right now, i can't write more about the teenagers so here I am writing about writing a post for the english class in my school, I think every teenager should study and have a lot of fun on the last funny part of his life.I still have to do 30 words more so I'm gonna write some meaning less things like I like stake and I'm drinking shampoo while flotaning on my magic carpet.

Who is the greatest singer? Give reasons why.

I think the greatest singer is Steven Tyle. Because he has a great voice and he knows how to use it, He is like 70 and he still sings like the frikin Gods!, He knows perfecty when sing high and low notes and the perfect moments to breath and drop a massive scream that let the audience like " What the heck was that! ". I don't know what else can I say... He's the most amazing singer I know, I went to one of his concerts, I was 5 hours standing on the frikin line and I was like " I hope this is worth of it", and then started... IT WAS AWESOME, THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD, that is why I think Steven Tyler is the greatest singer but that is just my opinion, and there a lot of other singers that are very awesome but I think Steven Tyler is the best and thats all I have to say because I don't know what else I can say... GOODNIGHT.

Why is it important to come be a good person? Why not?

Why is it important to become a good person? Well, I think it's very important to become a good person because if you aren't a good person, you are gonna end alone, sad, and miserable. If you are a bad person no one will talk to you, your presence will be annoying and everyone will be wishing to kick your annoying butt. You have to be a good person because you will help the world and the people in there, everyone loves the good guy, I guess.. Anyway, I don't know what else can I say, of course there's no one perfect but you got to try to be a better person not just for you, also for your parents, your family, your friends and your God. There also that thing called "Karma", if you are a bad person, just bad things will happen to you, but if you are a good person, good things will happen to you.. Well, that's what Karma says, if your choise to be good or bad, I highly recommend to be a good person.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


- Accommodation: A room, building, or space in which someone may live or stay.
In the Sheraton there is Accommodation for 300 people.

-Affluent: Someone who has a good economic situation.
Farkas is Affluent.

Arouse: evoke a feeling or response.
The smell of Hamburgers arouse me.

Bewilder: Leave someone perplex or confuse.
The death of Osama bewilder me.

Arrogant: Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Goofy is very arrogant.

-Compel: Force or oblige to do something.
My parents feel compel to make me study.

Impose: Force to be accepted, done, or complied with
The Police Impose me to give the drugs.

- Lenient:
Merciful or tolerant.
My parents are lenient.

Novice: A person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
She is a novice in the cheerleader team.

Overt: Done or shown openly.
He overt me war!

Coerce: Persuade an unwilling person to do something by using force or threats.
Juan coerce me to join the scouts.

Prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
The mothers all over the world are very prudent.

A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings or mistakes of others.
I make a joke to someone and I use my partner as a scapegoat.

-Superstition: Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.
The ghosts are just a superstition.

Supplement:: A thing added to something else to enhance or complete it.
The cereal is a supplement for a healthy breakfast.

Apathy:Someone who is indiferent.

Dismay: consternation and distress.
The global warming dismay me.

Endeavor:try hard to do or achieve.
All the endeavor is in vain.

Frugal:careful when using money or food, or of a meal cheap or small in amount.
Im having a frugal lifestyle.

- Mercenary
:Primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
The mercenaries are cool.

lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement.
The Kids are naive.

strict, precise, and exacting.
My parents are really stringent with me.

Alluring:powerful attraction or fascination.
Everybody tell me I'm the most alluring person in the world.

Ample:enough or more than enough; plentiful.
Father Hurtado was an ample person.

Bicker:Argue about petty and trivial matters.
My parents are bickering

- Blend: mix and combine (something) with something else.
I love put food on the Blender.

- Avert: Prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).
I tried to avert a tragedy, and it worked.

-Candid: truthful and straightforward; frank.
Jesus was a candid person.

Erratic:not even or regular in pattern or movement.
The distribution of money on January was erratic.

place apart or alone; cut off.
Im going to Isolate that couple.

Destiny:the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future.
Everyone creates their own destiny.

Diminish:make or become less.
The people should diminish their speed while they are in the city.

Exempt: free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
I'm exempt from the religion class.

a question, especially one expressing doubt.
Teacher, I have a Query!

Patron: a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, etc.
The patron of this team is Coke.

-Bogus:not genuine or true.
The Osama's death is Bogus.

-Adroit: clever or skilful.
Albert Einstein was very Adroit.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Gramar Practice 3


2. I was having

3. were singing
were playing

4. Was opening

5. Was riding
was not having

6. were you dreaming
I woke.


2. I had done my homework.When I went out.
3. She had gone to the supermarket. When she found a parking space.
4. I had opened All my christmas presents when my parents came downstairs.
5 Our team had scored five goals. When the referee blew the half time whistle
6 He has putted the children to bed. When he sat down and turned on the TV.

Gramar Practice 2


2.- At 12.30 on Saturday she is having a lunch with Marta.
3. At 7.00 on Saturday she is seeing a film.
4. At 9.00 on Sunday she is studying for the test.
5. At 1.00 on Sunday she is having a lunch with her grandparents.
6. At 8.00 on Sunday she is meeting with Ana.


2.My father is not seeing the bank manager today. He is seeing the bank tomorrow.
3. We aren´t having party on friday. we are having a party on Saturday.
4. You aren´t speding a day on a canal boat. You are spending a week.
5. Linda is not having lunch at 12.30. She is having lunch at 1.00.
6. My brother is not having a driving lesson today. He is having it tomorrow.


2. good
3. Bad . She is...
5. bad Are You
6. good
7. bad My brother is ....


2. We are driving.
3. We are taking
4. We are crossing
5.We are staying
6. We are going
7. We are spending
8. I am doing.
9. Are you planning.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Every gesture tells a story

Cuando pensamos en lenguaje y comunicación normalmente pensamos en el habla. Pero nuestros gestos y movimientos, en otras palabras nuestro lenguaje corporal, dice mucho más que las palabras. El lenguaje corporal también nos dice lo que otras personas en realidad piensan o sienten.

Un psicologo experto nos dice que las palabras son solo el 7 % de nuestra comunicación, mientras que el 93% viene de señales silenciosas. Los niños lo entinden naturalmente, pero mientras crecemos nos enfocamos en las palabras y perdemos el significado de las señales silenciosas. Los adultos son muy buenos en decir cosas que en realidad no sienten. El lenguaje corporal trabaja junto con el lenguaje verbal pero a veces se pueden contradecir. Por ejemplo, la gente puede decir que estan de acuerdo contigo, al mismo tiempo inclinando su silla y alejandose de ti. Alejandose fisicamente de ti, estan expresando desacuerdo.

"Hay gente que miente muy bien con el lenguaje corporal" , dice el psicologo . Por ejemplo, los politicos aprenden a usar ciertos gestos para quedar bien. Pero no les funciona muy bien, antes de creer en lo que dice la cara de la persona debes fijarte en todo su cuerpo. Mientras más lejos de la cara, más cierto es.

Aun así, algunos gestos faciales los hacemos por instinto. Por ejemplo, las pupilas de nuestro ojos se dilatan cuando nos sentimos atraidos a alguien. Mucho lenguaje corporal pasa inconsientemente. Si queremos entender y usar estos gestos tenemos que estar al tanto de los diferente significados. Fijarte en tu propio lenguaje corporal y en el de los demas ayuda a comunicarse mejor . Si aprendes a decifrar y usar el lenguaje corporal tendras un lenguaje más fluido.


1) In general: Usually
2) That is to say: In other words
3) Also: too
4) Constitute: make up
5) Moves: shifts towards
6) Change: shifts
7) The ability to: knack
8) Inconsistent:
Sloping: tilting
10) Really: actually
11) A difference of opinion: disagreement
People who tell lies: liars
13) Correct: right
14) Reliable:truthful
15)For example: For instance
16)Become larger: dilate
17)Without us knowing it: unconsciously
18)Be conscious of: be aware
19)Paying attention :Watching out
20)Decode: decipher

Shrugging your shoulders ___ ‘I don’t know’
Putting your thumbs up____‘Everything’s OK’
Crossing your fingers____ ‘Good luck’
Biting your nails_____ ‘You are worried’
Folding your arms and tapping your feet.___Desinterest’
6)Blushing____ You are embarrassed
7) Nodding your head ___Yes
Shaking your head___ No
9) Biting your bottom lip____You’re thinking’
10) Waving your hand___Hi
Shaking hands with someone____ ‘How do you do? /Goodbye.’
Cough____ Catch attention’
13)Leaning back in a chair ____ ‘Not paying attention’
14)Looking at the ceiling in a classroom___ You are losing your temper’
15)Moving your finger at the side of your face.__You are crazy’

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

English Story

an alien from outer space
a shopping mall
the night of high school graduation
something embarrassing has just happened


After his graduation night, Marcelo the alien, after get used to the human behavior he was very hungry and decided to go to the shopping mall to eat at burger king. Before he arrives he found a drunk guy and they started to talk, the drunk guy told Marcelo that he have superpowers and he came from a planet very close actually, Marcelo after hearing this he get excited and he told the drunk guy that he came from another planet too. Then He and the drunk guy started drinking some beers and Marcelo get very very drunk. But he was still hungry so he say goodbye to the drunk guy and go to the shopping mall. But he was so drunk that he barely can walk, and then he started to shout that he was an alien ( but nobod believes him because he was using a human costume), " IM MARCELO, I CAME FROM ANOTHER PLANET JUST LIKE E.T AND I CAME IN PEACE " but the people started laughing at him. After his incident, he finally made it to the shopping mall. The mall cop stopped him because he smell like booze but Marcelo used his super laser gun and melt the cop ( nobody saw that). He started to walk to find the Burger King but he get lost and he go into a library and he excited say: " Give me a Large Whooper with extra fries please". The old lady say to Marcelo that she doesn´t sell Whoopers, just books, Marcelo understand and he get out of the library and start looking for the Burger King again. Marcelo heard a lot of people clapping and cheering, !there was a dance competition! Marcelo go to the competition and he started dancing and doing a lot of strange alien moves, luckily the people liked his dance andthey started clapping more loud. Finally, the competition end, and Marcelo won a blue ribbon for his dance. The judge pass the mic to Marcelo to say a few words: " Hi, IM MARCELO AND I AM VERY VERY HUNGRY, CAN ANYONE TAKE ME TO BURGER KING TO EAT A LARGE WHOOPER WITH EXTRA FRIES PLEASE??. Everybody though Marcelo was jocking so Marcelo felt really sad. He sit on a bench thinking that he won´t calm his hungry but a hot chick spoke to him and invited him to the Burger King, Marcelo was very happy. They went to the Burger King and each one order what they want, but the chick orders a lot of things more than Marcelo, when they started to eat, Marcelo was sober again and he asked to the chick : " Sorry, how could you posible eat that much, Are you Human?",, and the chick answer him: " Actually, no, I´m not"... Marcelo screamed : " OH MY GOD!!!!!.. to be continued o.o

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Questions and answers

1. An interesting place you have been to recently?
Aniffe: I was at the stadium to watch the WWE.
Martin: Viña del Mar
2. An interesting person you have met?
Aniffe: Jo Corodova (: .
Martin: My uncle Eduardo
3. What you would like to do when you get older?
Aniffe: I wanna be advertising designer.
Martin: I wanna be a game designer.
4. What you would like to learn in the future?
Aniffe: To be a better person.
Martin: Cook something without burning it.
5. A frightening experience you had when you were young?
Aniffe:I broke my chin in a park.
Martin:I fell off the bed and broke my head.
6. A person you like to spend time with?
Aniffe: My friends.
Martin: My buddies.
7. An exciting experience you had?
Aniffe: When I went to the WWE :O :D !
Martin: When I went to the Aerosmith Concert.
8. A favorite pet?
Aniffe : A dog.
Martin: PENGUIN!!
9. Something you like to do when you have free time?
Aniffe: Dancing.
Martin: Play videogames.
10. A place you would like to visit in the future?
Aniffe: Egypt
Martin: The museum of nintendo
11. A person you would like to meet some day?
Aniffe: JEFF HARDY ! <3
Martin:Steven Tyler
12. A person who has influenced your life?
Aniffe: My parents
Martin: My brother
13. Something you have never done but would like to do?
Aniffe: Go to the Fantasilandia.
Martin: Shot a lot of types of guns or shotguns.
14. Something you have done but never want to do again?
Aniffe: The glucose test.
Martin: Eat Wazabi
15. An experience which made you laugh?
Aniffe: there a lot of them.
Martin: There too long to tell.
16. An experience which made you cry?
Aniffe: my grandmother´s dead.
Martin: Toy Story 3
17. What you would do if you had a million dollars?
Aniffe: travel to atlanta to watch the WWE and I will probably travel around the world.
Martin: Go to Japan and EEUU and buy a lot of things.
18. What you would do if you were President of your country?
Aniffe: I would try to create equality.
Martin: I probably bring back the execution.
19. A gift you could give others?
Aniffe: A smile.
Martin: A handshake.
20. A gift you would like someone to give you?
Aniffe: Money.
Martin: Cash
21. A special talent you have?
Aniffe: I dance and I make people laugh
Martin: Im tall.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Fire Alarm =3

1. Write the name of the main character


2. Two words describing the main character

*Paranoic and slow

3. Three words describing the setting

*Dangerous, scary and mysterious

4. Four words stating the story problem

*false alarm and strange noises

5. Five words describing one event in the story

*Fire alarm students evacuate school

6. Six words describing a second event

*Strange person walks around looking for something

7. Seven words describing a third event

*slow students interfiere with the evacuation of the building

8. Eight words describing the solution to the problem

*the policemen and night supervisor see the hidden true

II. What would you do if you were Jennifer? 100 words.

If I was Jennifer I wouldn´t look for the problem, I probably get the hell ot of there and look for the safety place for the students. Maybe I`ll freak out but I have to stay calm because I`m a teacher and the children trust me, If I listened to that annoying noise I would get a headache and intense pain in my ears. I would complain about the firemen station for not come when they were need. And when I realize that was a false alarm I would get mad because all the complications were unnecesary. Well, that is what I would do if I get in a situation like that, I hope that I never have to face a similar situation. That was all folks!

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

First Class

1.What are you expectations for 2011 ( school) ?
2. Name things (on you ) that you want to improve for this year.

1. My expectations for this year are pass this year with final grades 6.0 or high and have a good behavior and have a good time with my friends. I hope the classes be more recreational, and expect more tolerance from the school and finish the year with great english knowledge.

2. I want to impove my math grades, pay more attention on class, improve my biology grades, my writting, have more tidy notebooks and improve my behavior, be responsable and don't get too sick, that's all i got to say I hope that everyone had a great year and we pass the year with no complications. All right, this is the end of my post, I hope that all of this things come true some day. T H E E N D