lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


- Accommodation: A room, building, or space in which someone may live or stay.
In the Sheraton there is Accommodation for 300 people.

-Affluent: Someone who has a good economic situation.
Farkas is Affluent.

Arouse: evoke a feeling or response.
The smell of Hamburgers arouse me.

Bewilder: Leave someone perplex or confuse.
The death of Osama bewilder me.

Arrogant: Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Goofy is very arrogant.

-Compel: Force or oblige to do something.
My parents feel compel to make me study.

Impose: Force to be accepted, done, or complied with
The Police Impose me to give the drugs.

- Lenient:
Merciful or tolerant.
My parents are lenient.

Novice: A person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
She is a novice in the cheerleader team.

Overt: Done or shown openly.
He overt me war!

Coerce: Persuade an unwilling person to do something by using force or threats.
Juan coerce me to join the scouts.

Prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
The mothers all over the world are very prudent.

A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings or mistakes of others.
I make a joke to someone and I use my partner as a scapegoat.

-Superstition: Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.
The ghosts are just a superstition.

Supplement:: A thing added to something else to enhance or complete it.
The cereal is a supplement for a healthy breakfast.

Apathy:Someone who is indiferent.

Dismay: consternation and distress.
The global warming dismay me.

Endeavor:try hard to do or achieve.
All the endeavor is in vain.

Frugal:careful when using money or food, or of a meal cheap or small in amount.
Im having a frugal lifestyle.

- Mercenary
:Primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
The mercenaries are cool.

lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement.
The Kids are naive.

strict, precise, and exacting.
My parents are really stringent with me.

Alluring:powerful attraction or fascination.
Everybody tell me I'm the most alluring person in the world.

Ample:enough or more than enough; plentiful.
Father Hurtado was an ample person.

Bicker:Argue about petty and trivial matters.
My parents are bickering

- Blend: mix and combine (something) with something else.
I love put food on the Blender.

- Avert: Prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).
I tried to avert a tragedy, and it worked.

-Candid: truthful and straightforward; frank.
Jesus was a candid person.

Erratic:not even or regular in pattern or movement.
The distribution of money on January was erratic.

place apart or alone; cut off.
Im going to Isolate that couple.

Destiny:the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future.
Everyone creates their own destiny.

Diminish:make or become less.
The people should diminish their speed while they are in the city.

Exempt: free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
I'm exempt from the religion class.

a question, especially one expressing doubt.
Teacher, I have a Query!

Patron: a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, etc.
The patron of this team is Coke.

-Bogus:not genuine or true.
The Osama's death is Bogus.

-Adroit: clever or skilful.
Albert Einstein was very Adroit.

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