lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Fire Alarm =3

1. Write the name of the main character


2. Two words describing the main character

*Paranoic and slow

3. Three words describing the setting

*Dangerous, scary and mysterious

4. Four words stating the story problem

*false alarm and strange noises

5. Five words describing one event in the story

*Fire alarm students evacuate school

6. Six words describing a second event

*Strange person walks around looking for something

7. Seven words describing a third event

*slow students interfiere with the evacuation of the building

8. Eight words describing the solution to the problem

*the policemen and night supervisor see the hidden true

II. What would you do if you were Jennifer? 100 words.

If I was Jennifer I wouldn´t look for the problem, I probably get the hell ot of there and look for the safety place for the students. Maybe I`ll freak out but I have to stay calm because I`m a teacher and the children trust me, If I listened to that annoying noise I would get a headache and intense pain in my ears. I would complain about the firemen station for not come when they were need. And when I realize that was a false alarm I would get mad because all the complications were unnecesary. Well, that is what I would do if I get in a situation like that, I hope that I never have to face a similar situation. That was all folks!

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